

Critical studies

Poems, bibliophilic books, cd-rom

Scenarii for films



Born in Alsace (France) in 1960, former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris (Ulm-Sèvres) and of the Sorbonne, Michèle Finck lives in Paris and in Strasbourg and is now professor of Comparative Literature (University of Strasbourg).

She is mainly interested in the dialogue between poetry and arts. She writes critical studies, poetry (bibliophilic books, cd rom) and scenarii for films.


Critical studies

Among her critical books, she has published :

- Yves Bonnefoy, Le simple et le sens (José Corti, 1989),

- Poésie et danse à l’époque moderne / Corps provisoire (Armand Colin, 1992),

- Claude Vigée, la terre et le souffle (colloquium of Cerisy, Albin Michel, 1992),

- Yves Bonnefoy, poésie, peinture, musique (colloquium of Strasbourg, University Press of Strasbourg, P. U. S. , 1995),

- Ethiques de l’écriture (co-direction, Vives Lettres, University of Strasbourg, 2001).

- Poésie moderne et musique : "Vorrei e non vorrei", essai de poétique du son, Éditions Honoré Champion, 2004 (426 pages).

She took part to a number of collective works devoted to modern and contemporary poetry, to the links between poetry and other arts, particularly music.

She has written many articles about French poetry from the 19th century (Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarmé) and especially from the 20th century (Soupault, Arp, Alexandre, Valéry, Jouve, Michaux, des Forêts, Vigée, Bonnefoy, Jaccottet, Stétié). She has also written articles about 20th century foreign poetry, especially English poetry (Hopkins, Yeats) and German poetry (Trakl, Rilke). She has also written about translation and translated German, English and Italian poems.


Poems, bibliophilic books, cd rom

She has published cycles of poems in different magazines (regular participations to: Le Nouveau Recueil, Pleine Marge, Le Mâche-Laurier, Polyphonies, Nu(e), Arpa, Phréatique, Revue Alsacienne de Littérature, Udnie…).

Several poems have been transformed into videopoems by Laury Granier with whom she founded the cultural association Udnie.

She has published two bibliophilic books of poems, limited edition :

- Autour du vidéopoème : " La porte " / Midrash de la mer, with texts and photographies by Laury Granier (Udnie-Lorimage, 1999).

- Le Piano à quatre mains / The Four-Handed Piano  (in four languages, translated into english by Mary Ann Caws, into italian by Fabio Scotto, and into german by Angèle and Adrien Finck) with prefaces by Jean Rouch and Maria-Luisa Spaziani and pictures from the piano painted by Laury Aime (Udnie-Lorimage 2000)

The Four-Handed Piano exists also in the form of a cd rom made by Laury Granier (Udnie-Lorimage 2001). This cd rom proposes an interactive interpretation (poetry, painting, photography, voice, music) of the bibliophilic book .


Other bibliophilic books:

- Les larmes de l'oreille, with paintings of Pierre Lehec, Poliphile, 2006.

- Aux éditions Dérive Hâtive, with drawings of Coline Bruges-Renard: Triptyque, 2014; Presqu'ailes, 2014; Solstice du son, 2015; Spirales du silence, 2015; A la voix qui sait, 2015; Lumière de l'obscur, 2015; Soliloque, 2015; Peau d'âme, 2015; Présage, 2015; Bégaiement, 2015;  Scriptorium, 2016

Books of poems:

- L'Ouïe éblouie, avec des gouaches de Coline Bruges-Renard, Voix d'encre, 2007 (poèmes 1983-2003).

- Balbuciendo, Arfuyen, Paris-Orbey, 2012.

- La Troisième Main, Arfuyen, 2015 (Prix Louise Labé)

- Connaissance par les larmes, Arfuyen, 2017



Scenarii for films

She has also written scenarii for films, particularly Mummy Mommy by Laury Granier (Andrei Tarkovski award for artistic creation and cinematographical language, 1996, with Carolyn Carlson for the main part, Jean Rouch and Philippe Léotard), film to which realisation she collaborated .

This film (35 mm) is concerned with the alliance of fiction, tale and poetry and is under the sign of danse, painting, music and video-art. Mummy Mommy was presented by Jean Rouch as a preview as the French Cinémathèque and was selected in different international festivals. The film was screened in numerous cinemas in France (in Paris during five mouths in 1999) and abroad (particullarly in Rome in 2000, in the Anthology Films Archives of New York in 2000 and in the United Nations in 2001).

You can see the film in many chapters . It is free.

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Révision : 30 septembre 2017